I've been frustrated lately with the ups and downs of dating. I keep riding high on the wings of a new potential, and then when it crashes and burns, I'm dead on the ground. I usually stir around in the dirt for a while, and trust me I was just there, but this time I'm getting up much quicker. Seeing things from a new perspective.
My plane may crash often but at least I'm flying! I'm 26, I'm single, and I'm casually dating. It may not always be love but by God it's fun! I have spent hours drinking 711 Slurpees and talking about pet rabbits. I have eaten a jumbo cheese steak and curly fries far back in a field with Dave Mathews playing live up ahead, surrounded by surreal lighting and hippies barefoot dancing in the grass. Not to mention my date had the hook up and we got to climb up on stage and watch Dave from the wings! I have ridden the ferry at 2am just to walk the streets and drink at Irish pubs. I have taken the most romantic long walk along the river with the city night lights for a view. At 3am I have sat on a bench kissing while people on the neighboring bench smoked pot and serenaded us with beautiful violin songs. Only in NYC would this happen! And only when you keep your heart open.
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